What creative thing are you doing today?
/ would like to ask that question once a week to all of my readers. I'd like to share something creative that I am doing and I'd love to have you respond with what you are doing.
Part of why I blog is to force myself to stretch my creative muscle. It is good to think of something interesting to talk about daily or almost daily. Then to take a interesting photo and to share that. But working from home is working in a void. A void that I do enjoy most of the time. When I am happily creative it is a little ivory tower. But I do miss that working in a creative department and having that person at the next desk to show things to. To ask questions of... to just share stuff with.
So I'll post creative things and maybe some of you out there will figure out how to leave a comment and you will share what you are doing. It doesn't have to be 'art'. It can be cooking, or how you are wrapping your Christmas presents or whatever is giving you that little spark of creativity.
Wait... I am hearing some of you say you aren't creative? WHAT? Who ever told you that? Not true. Some of us just practice more. Nothing is too little to share...
I'll start... yesterday and today I am drawing leaves. It is a two-fold project. My friend Brenda Dayne of Cast On fame needs some leaves. And I had already planned a Leaf Doodles font. So I am drawing leaves and rather enjoying myself. A perfect thing to do as I watch the lake try and ice up.
OK... now your turn.