diy... mom's altaras... part 3
Mom's altaras are done, mailed and should be at their destinations. As you can see I added the little things at the bottom of the boxes. Nothing of great value but things Mom touched and used... little swan she put her rings in, a rosary in each one, a bobbin, some little hand blown animals... just little tiny things that make me smile and think of her.
My set sits on a little half wall ledge right next to my desk. I have very special things there. It is nice to have little bits of my parents life so close. I made these deliberately small so they could sit on a desk or bookshelf. I like them small because they are personal. Most people would overlook them but I get to see them daily and smile.
And today is the 1st anniversary of my Mom's passing. I am working on not being sad as it is also our Anniversary this weekend. Mom had Alzheimer's for a very long time. She spent the last year and a half in a hospital bed in the living room of my parents house with my Dad leaving before she was ready to go. I am thankful that my Mom could finally let go. I guess we are just never ready to lose our parents.